DUNGEON BARD ASCII by @Dungeonbard
How to play the game
You need to descend to the 3rd level of the dungeon. Monsters lurk about - you need to run away from them at all cost. Each level is protected by a Staircase that can only be descended by solving a riddle. The riddle is a word that is either hidden in the text of the song/riddle or may be a word in song. Hints are available via a bolded character in the song. It gives you an idea where the word begins or where to start the search for the word. The following is an example of how to dipher the song and the riddle...

Waiting for the inevitable
Standing in the line
Longing for the ride
but it's always feeling
that makes you hide

A the end of the line you will see me, slithering south

Look for the bold character on the second line

look at the yellow text below that starts at the end of the third line. We just need to look for possible english word that exists in the text (usually hidden) You will not see the yellow text in the game, it's just a good way to explain how the hidden words appear:

Waiting for the inevitable
Standing in the line
Longing for the ride
but it's always feeling
that makes you hide


Other game rules
